So yesterday, my work computer died. Like completely, irrevocably died. I tried to resurrect its poor heart by pushing "Please wake up" in …
The High Cost Of Bad Buy/Sell Decisions
Great-looking (and particularly eye-opening) graphic today from Visual News: Totally in line with what I've been trying to say in …
Dilbert’s Boss Ponders Market Timing
Love today's Dilbert strip. Most people focus way too much on market timing - when should I buy and sell? Which is why I always advocate a …
Sleazeball Finance
Have you ever been accosted by a scammy salesman? Like one of those douches who tries to smoothtalk you and be your friend, and then sells …
Smarter Than The Market?
So I attended Invest Fair 2012 this weekend, which was pretty much a marketplace of financial service providers, brokers, insurance …
Just In Case
So I'm just gonna say it - I'm a really big wuss when it comes to personal finance. Some of my friends get a big kick by bragging about how …
It’s Not About the Timing, Timing, Timing
So I have this weird friend who is super random and texts me like the most RANDOM texts ever (No hate here, we're good friends and she's …
Treat A Friend To Lunch
I'll let you in on a little secret: Being happy doesn't depend on how much you earn, but how you spend your money. We've all heard that …
How Not To Suck At Investing
Here's the problem about investing - we know that it's good for us, but most people suck at it. We all have an uncle somewhere who lost his …