I never considered myself "strong". I'd see those huge guys in the gym deadlifting plates the size of car tyres, and I'd think to myself, …
The Underrated Pleasure of Reading Fiction
I used to read nonfiction books exclusively. I'm not sure when it started. Probably sometime in college when I - like so many delusional …
Passive Investing for Cocktail Lovers
A couple of weeks ago, I was trying to explain passive investing to some friends. I could tell from their expressions that my message wasn't …
The Business & Life Metagames of Netflix’s “The Devil’s Plan”
You have to watch The Devil's Plan on Netflix. It's a Korean reality TV series where 10 contestants face off playing games of strategy and …
The Robo-Advisor Choice Paradox
When I first started this blog, one of my most common questions I got from readers was "How do I get started in investing?" Choices were …
Why You’re Religious (Even If You Don’t Know It)
Have you seenThe Life of Pi? The movie came out more than 10 years ago, and it's one of those stories that leaves its interpretation open to …
What Driving In Jeju Taught Me About Growth
A quick note before we begin: Hello! I know it's been awhile. I've had a lot happening in my life in the past couple of months including …
Epic Quests And Male Friendships
Last week, I wrote about how we're in a crisis of male friendships. Men in our 30s and 40s find it increasingly hard to build close …
We’re In A Crisis of Male Friendships
It all started with a podcast. Sometime last year, I was listening to this episode on the Art of Manliness podcast on how adult men find …