Last week, my wife and I flew into Athens airport where we were connecting to another flight to Santorini. We planned a 2-hour connection window – usually more than enough time – but our inbound flight into Athens was late. Uh-oh.
To make matters worse, we ran into a yuuuuuuge queue at immigration. There were just 2 counters open for 500 passengers. We stood in line, checking our watches every few minutes, mentally WILLING the queue to move faster so we wouldn’t miss our flight.
Gah. Nothing feels worse than knowing you have absolutely no control over a stressful situation.
Sometimes, that’s what it feels like when it comes to investing, right?
Investing Can Be Stressful
First, we have to deal with the stress and boredom of researching our investments. ETFs? P/E ratios? Dividends? Most of us have better things to do, and struggling through yet another investing book is about as fun as Chinese tuition (I still have nightmares about Lin lao shi).
Even if we DO eventually start investing, we start watching our stocks closely. Every little uptick in price makes us euphoric, while every price drop makes us second-guess ourselves. We start WILLING the price to move up, just like how I kept wishing my immigration queue would move just a little faster.
I know from firsthand experience. I used to stay up till 2am, rubbing my eyes and squinting at charts, nervous about whether my trades would work. In the end, I had nothing to show for it but a $20,000 loss.
If you’ve been following my blog for awhile now, you’ll know that there’s a better way. Today, I’ve slowly built up a portfolio I’m proud of over the past 7 years. I check my investments about once every 3 months, spending just 15 minutes each time, and then I move on with my life. Simple.
Investing is the one area of life where the LESS you do, the BETTER you perform. There’s plenty of research that backs this up. But the devil is in the details: What type of investments should you pick? How much should you invest? How do you even START?
Investing With Less Stress
SO! A couple of bloggers and I will be getting together for a brand new talk: Investing With Less Stress.
A few things we’ll be covering:
- The one factor that makes the biggest impact on your wealth
- Stress vs Risk: How to remove stress while keeping your risks low
- How to set up your investments so that you only have to check it once a year
Who’ll be speaking?
- Chris from Tree of Prosperity who’ll be speaking about no-stress dividend investing
- Alvin from Dr Wealth (formerly BigFatPurse) who’ll be covering the Permanent Portfolio
- Yours truly, who’ll be covering the automated system I use for index investing
This is the latest in a series of talks by BigScribe – a network of financial bloggers which I’m a part of. We hold regular sharing sessions where we cover various topics like Money & Love and How To Hack Your CPF.
The great thing about these talks?
You’ll hear 3 different perspectives on the same topic. We don’t believe that there’s a single “best” strategy that applies to everyone. Instead, it’s better to hear from MULTIPLE perspectives – sometimes opposing viewpoints – and decide which one works best for you. That’s why we bring together 3 different bloggers who will introduce our unique viewpoints in one single session.
No selling. We’ve all been to those “talks” which are actually sales pitches to a bigger, more expensive course. Ugh. We hate nonsense like that. There will be no selling during our talks – just pure, unadulterated sharing from bloggers who love what we do and want to share it with our audience.
The deets:
- When: 18 May 2017 (Thu), 7.30pm to 9.30pm
- Where: Maybank Kim Eng Securities, 48 North Canal Road, L03 Event Hall, Singapore 059305
- How much: $29, early bird price (ends on 10 May): $24
All our previous talks have sold out and we don’t expect this one to be any different. We only have 70 seats this time, so make sure you get your tickets early. Here’s the link again.
Update: All tickets have been sold out. Thank you for your support!
Questions? Email
Hope to seeeeeya there!
P.S: My wife and I eventually made it to our connecting flight. I’m now typing this on the beautiful island of Santorini