So I had my first live radio interview on Kiss 92’s morning show with Maddy, Jason and Arnold today:
It’s stressful speaking live on radio! To those who heard me on air this morning, I’m sorry if I sounded like I was talking a mile a minute – that happens when I get excited.
Okay, so I admit: I was pretty damn nervous before the show, because unlike my previous speaking engagements, I didn’t know what to expect. I had no idea what the questions were gonna be, what speaking into a studio would be like, or even what topics we’d be talking about.
Still, it was loooooaddds of fun. Maddy, Jason and Arnold were awesome company, and their excitement and energy really rubbed off on me – even at 8am in the morning. (I found out that they get into the studio at like 4-5am every weekday. Mad respect.)
We talked a little bit about index investing – Maddy referred to it as “Automatic Investing” and I didn’t have time to tell her that my old label for index investing. (For the benefit of new readers – I now call it “80/20 Investing” :))
All in all, I loved the entire experience. Sure, I was nervous as hell and I could have been a lot more polished, but as Mark Manson said, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
So I did it anyway.
Hi Lionel,
I didn’t manage to catch you on radio but I wanna applaud your courage. The first step is always the hardest and I’m pretty sure you will feel more comfortable as you take on similar engagements.
Well done.
Nice! Missed the broadcast too but hopefully can get to listen to it online…some where, some how…