3 years ago, I spent my birthday clubbing at butterfactory. I blew $3,000 buying drinks for my friends, and woke up the next morning with a hangover and absolutely no memory of what happened the night before. Boy, that was a good use of hard-earned money
These days, I prefer to skip the crazy parties and do a little bit of reflecting. (Maybe it’s because turning 29 makes it my LAST AND FINAL YEAR that I get to say that I’m in my twenties. Zomg.)
So this year, I thought I’d look back at what you and I have gone through with cheerfulegg, because it’s been a heckuva year.
Here’re some highlights:
- We learnt how to create habits, including how to consistently wake up at 6am everyday
- We did our first MoneySmart guestpost on 3 Ways To Trick Yourself Into Getting Rich
- We specified a formula on how to save $100K by 30
- We figured out two hacks on becoming a top performer at work
- We tackled our Deep Assumptions with the help of a hot mom
- We learnt how to lose 5kg by not eating carbs 6 days a week
- We discussed a framework on planning ahead, especially for Valentine’s Day
- We talked about how we can invest, retire wealthy, and still have a life along the way
- We graduated to a brand new Genesis theme
- We went from a little over 200 subscribers last April to almost 1,700 subscribers this year (Woot!)
And of course, my proudest achievement this year would be the launch of Automatic Investing: The No-Stress Guide to Index Investing in Singapore. The amount of support, testimonials, and all-round love that you guys have given me for the project has been awesome. I totally didn’t expect my first project to take off this well, and it’s encouraged me to write and build even better stuff for you in the coming year.
On that note, I’d love to hear from you: What would be the one thing that you’d like to see on cheerfulegg this year that could really make a difference in your life?
It doesn’t even have to be money or finance-related. Would you like to learn how be more productive? Earn more? Build healthier habits? Create something awesome on the side? Learn the forgotten art of singing along to every single Backstreet Boys song on Kiss 92 FM? (I’m a world-class expert at that last one).
Let me know in the comments below – I read every one.
Here’s to kicking even more ass together this year!
Image: Tom
Be more productive and create something awesome on the side