Whazzup! You may have noticed that cheerfulegg’s gone a little quiet lately, and there’re two reasons for that:
- I spent a greater part of the last 3 weeks exercising and running around jungles (i.e: I was serving the nation doing my reservist and the SAF doesn’t allow laptops into camp. I’m like, dude, you let us bring phones that can take pictures and videos into camp but you won’t let us bring in a measly laptop?!)
- More importantly, I’ve been working on a secret project for the last three months. I recently started dedicating a lot more time into it, since I wanted to get a working prototype out by the end of 2013. Some of you may already have a clue on what it is, but for now, just watch this space for updates
Everyone’s riding off the post-Christmas-pre-New-Year high this week, so I didn’t wanna post anything long today. Just thought I’d share some quick tidbits I thought you might enjoy.
1. The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Selling Anything. Absolutely priceless. James Altucher hits a home run again with a compilation of his non-scammy tactics for selling (And if there’s anyone whom you should learn selling from, it’s James Altucher.)
2. How to Win Any Competition You Enter. We Singaporeans love to disqualify ourselves from opportunities like new jobs, more money, and more responsibility. Here’s a perspective shift to get around that problem.
3. How To Write Emails Like a CEO. I get to work with senior executives in my line of work. I’ve found that one of the easiest ways to annoy them is to send them a bad email. If you really want to get your work noticed (whether you’re an employee or a service provider), send a concise, kickass email. Here’s how.
2014’s gonna be an exciting year for cheerfulegg. I’ll be launching a couple of developments you might like within the next three months, so stay tuned. If you’d like to read more, join my VIP list where I’ll be sending out a lot more stuff that isn’t publicly available.
Here’s to a kickass 2014!