So there was a time when I was trying to get myself to stop snacking, and NOTHING I DID WORKED. I’d wake up, tell myself that I wouldn’t touch any snacks that day, but it never worked. By 4pm I’d get really stressed out in the office, and wander over to the snack corner to gobble down a couple of cookies. Pretty soon, I started to resemble the Asian version of the Stay Puft marshmallow man. Ugh.
And then something funny happened: I stopped snacking.
Nope, it wasn’t because I suddenly developed an amazing amount of willpower, or that some horrific pictures of fat people had scared me away from snacking (aragh!!). Nothing of that sort. Instead, it was because I moved my desk into an office that had no snacks.
No snacks in the office = no snacking. I’d successfully tricked myself into getting healthier.
Here’s the thing: you can totally apply the same methods to get richer.
Longtime readers of this blog will know that I’m a huge fan of using systems to get around the problem of not having enough willpower. As it turns out, it’s pretty easy to apply a few systems to tilt the odds of getting rich in your favor. Ever thought about using systems to help you to save more effectively, build your credit score, or overcome your emotions and invest?
I talk about some of these systems in a guestpost I did for MoneySmart – Singapore’s premier personal finance blog. If you haven’t checked them out yet, you should. They offer great advice and tidbits of little-known information, and they’re also awesomely hilarious. I’ve personally met the guys behind it, and they’re great chaps with a genuine interest in helping people out.
Are there any other areas of personal finance that you’d like me to help you trick yourself into executing them well? Leave me a comment below or send me an email to let me know what you think.
yes, very neat tricks. and l can attest to them that they do really works; and can really change your life, positively.