In case you were wondering where the smiley eggs went to…
Don’t worry – there’s nothing wrong with your browser I decided to delete the smiley egg header because it was looking a little too lame (literally a cheerful egg, zomg), and go for a cleaner, more professional, look.
I’m in the midst of working with some freelancers to come up with a logo concept for the blog, so hopefully it should be up in a few weeks! But please let me know if you have any logo / blog designers to recommend – looking to spruce things up a little around here.
Have a great week ahead!
P.S: In case you missed yesterday’s post, I just released a free ebook on how to save an extra $300 a month. Response has been awesome so far, so thank you!
If you haven’t downloaded your copy yet, you can check out my post about it here.