So I might as well be upfront about it right now: I’m writing a personal finance guide for young Singaporeans.
I honestly have no idea on how it’s gonna turn out, or how long it’s gonna take to write. But the pre-research I’ve done for the past couple of weeks from various interviews has given me some very positive results, so I’m super psyched about this project!
Before I go any further, I’d like to really understand what’s important to my potential readers. So if you’re a young Singaporean (21-35 years old) with a full-time job, or if you’re about to start working, I’d love to hear from you via this really short survey. It should take you less than 5 minutes to complete, but it would help me tremendously.
A Bonus for Your Efforts
Now, I know that most surveys are annoying to fill. So to show my appreciation, I’m creating a free gift that might be useful to you. Remember how I’m always preaching about opening a Long-Term Savings account? You’ll want this account to have as high of an interest rate as possible – because that’s where the bulk of your savings will go.
The trouble is, it can be a pain in the ass to find a bank with the right interest rate. Most banks tack on so many conditions to their accounts that it can be really hard to compare them. So… I created a Singapore Savings Account Cheatsheet that compares the interest rates and summarizes the conditions, so you don’t have to do the legwork yourself. This itself could be worth more than a hundred bucks – If you have $25,000 in savings, even a small 0.5% increase in your interest rate could mean a difference of $125 a year.
I’ll email the cheatsheet to you in a couple of days if you submit your email address and sign up for my private list in the survey.
Also, it would be supermegaawesome if you could share this survey with 3 of your friends – It’ll really help me to get better insights, which will in turn help me to write a better book for you.
Here’s the link to the survey again: Thanks in advance!
Hey! All the best man! and Good luck with publishing
you might neeed it ;D
YAY all the best Lionel