So I’m just gonna say it – I’m a really big wuss when it comes to personal finance.
Some of my friends get a big kick by bragging about how they lose like thousands of dollars every day on their own accounts. I totally get it. Hell, I’ve been there before. I used to watch the futures and forex markets all the time, throwing my dad’s money down and watching with nail-biting intensity, mentally willing those little candlestick charts to go in the direction I wanted, as if I could control the markets if I just concentrated hard enough.
Some of my other friends take their entire life savings and throw them into commercial properties, apartment-flipping, businesses, and art. It’s a helluva sexy isn’t it? Like it could totally be the plot of one of those rags-to-riches movies. (Raspy-voiced narrator: “He started with nothing. Life was tough on the streets. But one man would overcome the odds, take all the risk… and emerge a winner” Cue: inspiring music)
Some people view investing with a “go hard or go home” philosophy – by throwing everything into it. But just because you did a heroic Hail Mary pass doesn’t mean that the market, or your investments, are going to romantically work out for you in the end. If you throw your entire weight behind one, glorious, inspiring, guns-blaring Blitzkrieg, you’re going to be caught with nowhere to run if it doesn’t work out for you.
I’m all for investing, but let’s be smart about it. First, I’d recommend building a hugeass emergency fund. Like 6 months of your income would be good. A year’s worth would be better, but not necessary if you’re young since it’s probably not gonna be that hard for you to find another job if you lose yours. But yeah, there’s nothing more reassuring than having a cool pile of cash sitting in your bank account.Totally baller.
One more reason why having an emergency fund is awesome – it helps you to keep a cool head. And having a cool head is absolutely critical to your success in investing. Here’s a fun fact: the number one reason why most people don’t succeed in investing is because they care too much about it. When the market tanks, most people panic and sell their holdings, which is almost always the wrong decision to make. With an emergency fund, you’re not dependent on your investments to pay your bills, so you won’t go making stupid decisions with your investments.
Secondly, make sure your savings are covered. If you’re planning on buying a house, or getting married, or having a kid, save for those and keep them separate from your investments. Investments, by nature, involve a certain amount of risk, and depending on what you invest in, you don’t want your kids’ college fund to disappear when the stock market takes a nosedive. I have a separate long-term savings account that I contribute towards every month, and I never, ever touch that, not even to buy more stocks.
Next, split your salary and work towards building your emergency funds, your savings, and contributing towards your investments. Personally, I concentrated on building up 6 months’ worth of my salary for my emergency fund first. With that done, I could focus on allocating my money purely towards savings, investments, and expenses.
Lastly, if your investments are relatively low-cost like stocks or bonds, I’d recommend using strategies like dollar-cost averaging to diversify your risk over time.
That’s it! No sexy strategies, no Hail Mary passes. Just smart, common-sense investing, which, in all likelihood, will let you come out ahead in the end.
Hey, great blog! Its ridiculous how much your ideas are similar to mine. What is crazy is your list of books is spot on, things I’ve read or am planning on. I hope were not he same person only in a parallel universe. Anyways, great reading so far, glad I found this blog!
Thanks! I checked out your blog too – good stuff there! I’m looking forward to more great posts from you! Do let me know of any other books you’d recommend!
I would recommend Money Road by Garth Turner… but it mostly talks about issues that are very close to Canadians. Still its a good read although it does contradict “the book on common sense investing”. But that’s the point of reading opposite views, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Hey! Learnt something from here! Thanks for sharing your financial tips aye! But uh, just wondering, are you a financial planner or something? Things here sound professional.
Hey ming! Good to hear from you. Nope, I’m not a financial planner – just someone really interested in personal finance
Excellent advice Lionel! Thanks for sharing!